In response to my daughter‘s dissatisfaction with her hair, I started to engage intensively with the topic of representation and the search for identity. That's how the idea for ♥️ “My Hair, My Crown” ♥️ came about.“Wow, look at all the women here with hair like mine!” my daughter excitedly exclaims as she enters the studio at the Shooting day. As a white woman, setting up such a project means dealing with my dogmas and taken for granted beliefs and questioning them. In many conversations with my partner, i became aware that the love of hair has a different meaning and greater importance for our children than it ever did for me. As Black girls, my daughters experience other things than those i experienced as a white girl.
Working on this project has not only strengthened my daughters, but also me. It helps me to better understand my children‘s questions and insecurities and to develop solutions as a family.
A big thanks to the whole team for the positive and supportive atmosphere. Working with all the powerful women in front of and behind the camera was a wonderful experience!
Joanita: https://www.instagram.com/joanita.franklin/
Teresa: https://www.instagram.com/teresaleuzinger/
Mica: https://www.instagram.com/nimica_artistry_/
Zoé & Dina
Hair-Styling Curl-ish (Tina Berner, Hanna von Allmen,Sara Krappe): https://www.instagram.com/curl_ish/
Make-Up: Nimica Artistry https://www.instagram.com/nimica_artistry_/
MAKE-UP TOUCH UPS: Alexandra Bertschi https://www.instagram.com/xayabylexb/
DOP: Biby Jacob: https://www.instagram.com/biby_jacob/
1.AC: Deborah Rhyner https://www.instagram.com/decharess/
CLOTHING (adults): Tara Mabiala https://www.instagram.com/taramabiala/
STYLING: Giulia Santos https://www.instagram.com/saintgiulia_/
VOCALS: Anouchka Gwen https://www.instagram.com/anouchkagwen/
MUSIC PRODUCER: Alexia Thomas https://www.instagram.com/alexiapat_/
SOUND EFFECTS, MIXING Stereotyp GmbH https://www.instagram.com/stereotypaudio/
BEHIND PHOTO & VIDEO, TYPO: Nora Steffen https://www.instagram.com/nora_steffen/
Director / Photographer: https://www.instagram.com/brigittefaessler/
Production: https://www.instagram.com/cubique_presents/
Sven Uhlmann: https://www.instagram.com/uhlmann_sven/
Michael Kempf: https://www.instagram.com/michael_kempf/
William Bejedi: https://www.instagram.com/willy_jedi/
Schau film: https://www.instagram.com/schau.film/
Leuchtturm: https://www.instagram.com/leuchtturm.li/
Iuri Rigo
Simon Mader
Jonas Puppen